Commercial project Blog: Indrah’s Week 1

June 7, 2015 in Development

Heee, would you look at this place? How fancy.

Hallo, how do you do? I’m Indrah from Blue Coral games and I’m here a squatter to pillage fancy blogs :D

(Jeez why am I even the first one posting?) SOOO, WE BE MAKING A COMERCIAL GAME! And we’re gonna be talking about it periodically I guess? Yeah that works. Leave it to someone else to give the general details of the project coz PSH I’m just copypasting a post I did before.

Commercial project Blog: Indrah’s Week 1

So! We’ve finally started development for a commercial project we had in the shelf for a month or so. We’re aiming to get the first half of the game done by the end of June at least in an unpolished capacity. This first week is a bit uneven because we had the meeting on thursday and didn’t get a full week or work, even if I started mapping a day or so early.
Initially we wanted to get the script (the writing kind, not the code) done first, but since Maki is out till Monday and intros are HARD, I just made the terrible first draft then flipped a table and left it alone till Maki comes back and we can go over it for real.

Writing aside my main task is mapping (surprising no one). I’ve been doing decent progress so far. Out of the roughly 13 areas needed for the first half of the game (ahahah…I’m gonna die) I got around 2 and 1/4 done. Maybe?
The first dungeon (a mossy cave) is done! But needs recolouring. And half of the second area (roads) is half done too! But needs finishing coz the DS tiles are an absolute bitch to deal with in nature locations (swear to god curse you non-optimized damn tiles). And since I got bored of the roads (hiss) I started the Mines, which will actually hold puzzles and are more complex layout wise. Still working on the basics of it and how progression through the area will work, through thankfully the tileset for it is done. I even made a silly little engine for it:
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Choo choo here comes the shitty franken train engine~ Just imagine Sabin suplexing it and it’ll feel a lot more professional XD

And…I don’t know what else to say. I mapped! I wrote a titty bit (yes that was intentional and childish, so bite me). That’s about it, really. How about I just throw you some screenshots and run?

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Some tiles are placeholder/unedited, and the color palette has not yet been adjusted. It will look a lot less random later I promise, it’s just not finished.
Here’s the difference in the recolor (made by maki very quickly, not detail work). Also curse those DAMN shaky-ass A4 wall tiles.
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Uninspired and bland ROADS. Damn the DS tiles are BS for nature. Curse you tiny inconsequential trees!

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A random shot from one of the lesser mines rooms. Nothing special.

Sorry there’s nothign that fancy. Next time maybe I’ll have some nice and impressive shots. Or not. We’ll see ;-;