GMD Day Two

June 6, 2013 in Development

A smaller list for today, but much more focused.
-Thanks to a lucky find from a request, I was able to ditch the crafting system that didn’t really fit for one that was quite a bit closer. It still needed a fair bit of adjustment, but the changes were a lot smaller than if I had stayed with the other script. Not 100% finished with it yet I think, but all the things that bugged me (and some actual bugs) have been fixed and I added a couple of features needed for our game.
Things I added or changed for the above:
–Added the ability to remove items
–Made the number of displayed slots one more than the number of ingredients presently entered up to a yet to be determined maximum
–Changed how the scene is controlled so you can get to any window with just the direction buttons
–Added a button to reset crafting
–Divided crafting into two subcategories
–Made the list of items on the right only include items that are an ingredient for at least one recipe
–Removed the category bar since 95% of the ingredients will be items
–Added the In Inventory display for the resulting item

-I made a quick windowskin. Might not be final, but it’s closer than the DS pack one I hadn’t changed yet.
-Maki designed some more characters. This plus characters designed previously completes most of the characters currently mentioned in the story. I’m sure there will be NPCs needed later though.